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Install Flutter & Dart on windows

Things we should have in order to work with Flutter and dart: Visual Studio Code Android Studio So first install these two guys from the link. Something About the Cross Platform Mobile Development: Cross Platform Mobile development refers to one common development platform which can be used for multiple mobile operating system like Android, iOS and Windows. There are number of technologies which support cross platform mobile development and to name a few are like Xamarin, CodeName One, Flutter & Dart, Apache Cordova  etc. I did one review about Xamarin technology because it's been while that I am using Xamarin for Android and iOS. You can read more about it,  Here... Flutter & Dart Flutter is Google’s portable UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively-compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Dart is the language which we use for cross platform mobile development with Flutter.  In this example we ...
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First App (Hello World) on Flutter and Dart

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